Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reading a Book

I was at the library the other day picking up a book Chris had on hold and I decide to stroll the medical section. I found a book called ENDOMETRIOSIS- The Complete Reference for Taking Charge of Your Health by: Mary Lou Ballweg and the Endometriosis association. I would recommend it for anyone that wants to gain a better understanding of the disease/symptom/condition no one seems to know what to call it. I know have a better understanding why my doctors want me to see an immunologist. Which by the way is set up for March 30th they warned me it will be take about 2 hours for the first appointment. Basically this thing that is taking over my body and my life is opening the door for other conditions to come about. Some doctors are saying that endometriosis is an auto-immune disease which is why many women then come down with chronic fatigue syndrome which is a viral infection, who knew? Then also fibromyalgia which just means these women already dealing with pain that we would not wish on our worst enemies have new areas developing daily pain. Right now I am trying to keep those off of my list, but I may not have a choice to use treatments for those conditions in order to make my day to day life easier. Basically the immunologist is going to not only test me for newly developed allergies another side effect of endometriosis and for other conditions that the endometriosis have helped to gain control over my body and my sanity! Time to go back to reading lets hope there is some good news somewhere in this book, doubtful I know since there is not a cure or really not that many treatments. This book also talks with women who have made the tough decision to have a hysterectomy and afterwards still have the pain because the lesions and adhesions are not only on those organs they can grow on the bladder, rectum and even the lungs. Ugh lets all hope for a happy ending please!!

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