Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Immunologist Appointment

So... today was an interesting day at the doctors. My general practitioner sent me all the way to Bloomingdale to see this Immunologist she did warn me that he was a little kooky. She was not lying to me that is for sure he was a little off the wall but it worked for him. I filled out the usual forms about medical history and current symptoms and he was able to basically give me the low down on my entire health, thoughts, feelings. It was very intriguing, and off putting at the same time. They asked when my migraines started he knew I used to get awful motion sickness. Just ask my grandparents about grape kool-aid on the way to the campground- no good. He explained to me that I have a high risk phenotype which makes me more susceptible to different things and 5x more sensitive than the "normal" person. That is why I can hear you mumbling under your breath in the other room Christopher. He said it comes into play with light, sound, pain, emotions, feelings he explained that is why I am a texture eater (picky). With all of this he did confirm that I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, more information to come on these. He also tested me for allergies the ones that I knew about were not a shocker: dust, mold, ragweed, grass, pollen then there were some shockers eggs, green peppers, cinnamon, paprika and cats (sorry Rascal cannot pet you) So  I am to stop eating these foods one at a time for 10 days then introduce them back one at a time and see what symptoms occur to see if I need to stay away from them all together or if in moderation is ok. The bad part is it left both of my arms red, itchy and swollen and you can still see all of the little dots where they poked me. I am still trying to process everything the kooky doctor said and everything that he was able to tell me about myself that nobody else would even scratch the surface on.   He did give me a B 12 shot which seems to be working a little more so than the little pills that you stick under your tongue and he told me I need to become in a competitive sport since I do not feel that work out "high" like again "normal" people. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to post them. If you are reading this most likely you know me so do NOT say running. LOL He also explained how having this high risk led to my endometriosis and why I am in so much pain due to it. He explained that with this most peoples smooth muscles are affected hence the uterus and fallopian tubes they just do not operate as they should causing the back flow which places the endometrial cells on the outside and on organs that they have no business socializing with. Right now the best advice he could give to me was to continue taking the supplements, make sure I am sleeping well every night and try to do activities to increase my serotonin levels leading to an increase in my dopamine levels which should over ride some of the chronic pain I am feeling. Well I guess it is time to try to relax and get ready for bed since I have to be at the fertility doctor at 8 am tomorrow morning.

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