Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So, after that trip to the emergency room I had to follow up with my regular doctor. He is not an OBGYN but he was not going to release my care until the end of the first trimester. During the first consultation we decided he would try to see the heartbeat at about 8 weeks to make sure there was only one baby and that it was where it should be. At this time we were all still on egg shells about a second embryo getting comfy outside of the uterus. They cannot fully rule it out until they can detect heartbeats and see that everything is all clear.

We are not sure what caused the next scary moment in the pregnancy could have been stress or dehydration. It had been above 90 degrees for how many days in a row and my all day nausea had already begun. I discovered some spotting and could barely call Chris at work who as usual is trying to tell me to calm down (never works). He did at least manage to get me calm enough where I could call and talk to the doctor who decided it was time for me to spend some time in bed. We were just to monitor things at first for a day or two then he called back (let me tell you how scary it is when the Dr calls you back, hear sank!) he decided we were going to start with a week of bed rest and probably go to modified bed rest from there.

We knew all along that if we ever got pregnant that it would be considered high risk. Thank you endometriosis, adhesions, scar tissues and cysts then add in hernia repair surgery so there is a piece of mesh in my abdomen. I didn't realize that it would mean that I would become as delicate as glass.

After being on bed rest for awhile it was time to return to the doctor who was going to do an ultrasound to look for only 1 heartbeat in the uterus and make sure everything was developing as it should. Here we got great news, only one heartbeat located in the uterus!!! YEAAAAA!!!!! He also said that everything was closed correctly and I could get out of bed for light activity now. Basically I have to take it easy in everything I do. Chris has become a warden in this area making sure I do not over do it. (he knows me too well)

The only news I did not like that day was that the measurements were not lining up with my last period so he moved my due date back by 8 days. When you are fighting nausea all day every day the thought of dealing with it for another week is a heart breaker. Little did I know it was only going to get worse, a lot worse!

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