Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I just need to vent

OK I completely understand the need to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer I just want to state that before I begin my rant. At any time of the year you will find pink everything with a percentage of the profit going to breast cancer. Now here we are in October and is everywhere you look. Does anyone know when endometriosis awareness month is?? What about ovarian and cervical cancer?? Does anyone even know what any of the other color ribbons mean??? Obviously I am partial to the other female issues as well as fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndromes. I would proudly support autism awareness or melanoma awareness but we never see any products or fundraisers for these other disorders and cancers unless a family member is participating in a walk or run which is all they have to raise funds for research for conditions that have no cures or have extremely lower survival rates. I lost an aunt to pancreatic cancer I have a purple ribbon but you never see anything else to purchase to help researchers find better ways to treat such a deadly cancer. I am all fired up about this as I create pink wine labels for the bottles my parents are donating to "flowers of hope" for breast cancer. I will be running to walmart later today to get a hanes t-shirt supporting breast cancer awareness since my family will be at the all day event at Violet's flower shop in Berwyn this Saturday (Sweetest Day). Just once I would like these companies big or small to look into helping other causes that need to get information out to the masses. Before I shared my endometriosis story how many of you knew what it was??? How many other conditions are out there that get no attention so there are no new treatments there are no cures so people just need to suffer and deal with it. I am done venting and again I understand the need to support breast cancer just wish every cancer and condition received as much love from the masses.


That prescription with all of the lovely side effects that I last posted about, well my neurologist decided that I needed to be taking more so I now take 600mg 3x/day and it basically has me sleeping and in such a fog all day I don't know if I prefer that over the pain? Why can't they just put me on something to ease the pain to a manageable level without the extreme drowsiness???  You would think I would feel great with all the sleep but nope I feel so tired all the time. I fell asleep on the way to Moline to watch our cousin Kristi and Drake's crew team it took Chris a good 20 minutes to wake me, that's just crazy!!

On a different note Chris and I have started counseling to deal with all of the issues that have arisen mostly due to my health conditions. So far so good, we both like the therapist. I chose a male thinking that would make Chris feel more comfortable and well I have a male Gynecologist so you can assume it does not bother me either way. He is basically teaching us to communicate better and to remember our opinions are just preferences we cannot make the other person do anything or demand that they do as we say. So instead of "you need to" it is now " I would like it if you..." it just comes off a lot better. He has also assigned us homework we are both to read Dr. David Burns book Feeling Good  so far it is not awfully dry and pretty informative about cognitive behaviors. I would recommend to anyone who just wants to think about a new outlook. Chris and I spent about a week and a half together without a single disagreement which I think for any couple is a great accomplishment. I do believe however that I need to see the therapist for one on one sessions thanks to insurance policies. So our insurance BCBS does not cover couples counseling so they had to mark Chris as the patient and with they marked down for him they will cover "family sessions." I think we can all agree that I need a little more attention on myself as well as part of the couple sessions. So that is my assignment for myself this week try to get myself going for individual sessions now that I feel comfortable with the therapist.