Friday, May 13, 2011


So I had a follow up appointment this morning with one of my many doctors. she basically told me I have to decide what I want to do, I have 2 choices. Option 1- Stay off all medications while trying to get pregnant and struggle with the daily pain and exhaustion. Option 2- Decide not to have a baby and start medication and physical therapy to treat the fibromyalgia. They both come with pros and cons obviously it is just trying to figure out what I am going to do. One doctor said to have a baby now before the endometriosis gets even worse and I have to have a hysterectomy oh and my chances of becoming pregnant are like winning the lottery. Now if I decide that having a family just is not in my cards I can start trying to manage the chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia which will allow me to start to live a normal life again. Ugh I hate all of this I just want to wake up one day and be healthy and pain free and all of this is just one long awful nightmare. Thankfully as I figure out what option I am going to go with my doctors believe in supplements and prescription strength vitamins. I received another b12 injection today and was told that she has no problem giving them to me on a regular basis and upped my dosage of vitamin D and gave me a prescription for pre natal vitamins which I am to take even while we are just attempting to get pregnant. On a frugile note if you know anyone having to take pre natal vitamins let them know if they have a prescription meijers will fill them for free they didnt even take my insurance card! They also do the same for some antibiotics just an FYI.
Here is a picture of which areas fibromyalgia can effect. I get it pretty bad in both of my hips where I shuffle around like a 90 year old. Then my neck and shoulders it is not like tension it hurts to the point you cannot move. I try heat & ice thinking it will help and it does for a few minutes but it does not last long.

1 comment:

  1. Honey I just want you healthy. All I need is you to be happy =) Love you!
