Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Treatments

So I have been taking the Cymbalta for the fibromyalgia for a few days now and have already started to notice a difference. I am no longer walking around like an old frail lady. There is still an annoying pain in my hips, shoulders and neck but it is down to a 4 which is at least manageable. My gynecological specialist called me in to review everything and where we were. We also figured out that the endometriosis is no longer just causing my pelvic area pain but I also have intestinal endometriosis. It is as a big of a pain as it sounds. He was not really listening to me saying that now is not the time for me to get pregnant. All he said about that was he believes that is the only way to truly to relief from the endometriosis oh and he believes it will make me happier! Really, I really like him as a doctor but him and his wife are both doctors so I do not think that he ever thinks that it is stressful for other families to afford to have a child. Eventually he saw I was not happy with his response and he said he was sending me to a different doctor who runs a physical therapy center he wanted me to get a pelvic floor massage. Do not ask I still do not know exactly what it is I went for my appointment yesterday and received no such massage in the hour and a half I was there. There was a consultation with the doctor who happens to be a chiropractor he looked me over said I was a muscular mess and all that pressure is not good for the endo or FM. Then I saw the physical therapist for another evaluation and they taught me some stretches to help loosen up my muscles so when they start in on specific exercises there is no additional inflammation which is my enemy for the conditions I am struggling with. I also had my first adjustment go figure my pelvis was out of alignment and turned it was an interesting experience. It is hard to say how I am feeling after that because this will be my worst week this month so no matter what I do I am in constant pain. They want me going in 2-3x a week I do not know how conceivable that is but I will at least be doing the homework that they gave me. I will keep this updated on how well these work.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Decision Made

I am awaiting the phone call to hear my prescription is ready to be picked up. Treating the fibromyalgia it is which means back on all of my medications to try to keep everything at bay. Until we get everything back on track we cannot even fathom adding a child. So please cross your fingers that once I am feeling better and am able to work again everything will fall into place and be just as it needs to be. Lets hope this time next week I am pain free!! Some more good news we are holding off on the cardiologist appointment until we see how my body takes the fibromyalgia medication. We have decided to go with Cymbalta which has half the life of Lyrica just in case God had other plans for us. It will not take long to ween me off of cymbalta as it would Lyrica. I am also right now scheduled for monthly B12 injections. I love them nothing has been able to give me that boost of energy like it. Now time to call my favorite doctor and let him know my decision, he will not be happy but we have to do what is right for us. Then he needs to refill my pain killers with what is quickly approaching and I do not have to suffer without anymore. I will keep you updated on how I am feeling with the addition of the new medication.

Friday, May 13, 2011


So I had a follow up appointment this morning with one of my many doctors. she basically told me I have to decide what I want to do, I have 2 choices. Option 1- Stay off all medications while trying to get pregnant and struggle with the daily pain and exhaustion. Option 2- Decide not to have a baby and start medication and physical therapy to treat the fibromyalgia. They both come with pros and cons obviously it is just trying to figure out what I am going to do. One doctor said to have a baby now before the endometriosis gets even worse and I have to have a hysterectomy oh and my chances of becoming pregnant are like winning the lottery. Now if I decide that having a family just is not in my cards I can start trying to manage the chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia which will allow me to start to live a normal life again. Ugh I hate all of this I just want to wake up one day and be healthy and pain free and all of this is just one long awful nightmare. Thankfully as I figure out what option I am going to go with my doctors believe in supplements and prescription strength vitamins. I received another b12 injection today and was told that she has no problem giving them to me on a regular basis and upped my dosage of vitamin D and gave me a prescription for pre natal vitamins which I am to take even while we are just attempting to get pregnant. On a frugile note if you know anyone having to take pre natal vitamins let them know if they have a prescription meijers will fill them for free they didnt even take my insurance card! They also do the same for some antibiotics just an FYI.
Here is a picture of which areas fibromyalgia can effect. I get it pretty bad in both of my hips where I shuffle around like a 90 year old. Then my neck and shoulders it is not like tension it hurts to the point you cannot move. I try heat & ice thinking it will help and it does for a few minutes but it does not last long.