Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The love of our lives!

Ethan Stanley Engelbach born at 10:04 am on February 1, 2013. He was 6 lbs 14 ozs & 20 inches long. He was delivered via c-section at 37 weeks since I was having pre-eclampsia symptoms. Delivery was quick took longer to set me up & prep then to remove Ethan & suture me back up. Due to the neurological symptoms of pre-eclampsia we spent the first day in L&D since I was on a magnesium drip. Symptoms Diminished & we were moved the next day to the mother, baby floor. My nurse there was angry that I didn't need her help moving around. Note to moms that have c-sections yes move around as soon as possible but take it easy. Due to me taking it to quick the puncture from the epidural was not able to close causing extreme pain.  

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