Friday, July 20, 2012

Goal #1 - Check!

So it has been some time since I have updated the blog and a bit has happened so I will fill you in a little at a time starting from where we left off. The heating blanket is still my best friend. (don't see that changing anytime soon) After discussing some options with my doctor we decided yes the 3 of us that it was time to get some medical help in our effort to have a family and I was quickly put on a high dose of the fertility drug clomid. Here's some info on the medicine and yes this medicine is the one that typically leads to multiples.

Clomiphene(kloe' mi feen)

Last reviewed: September 1, 2010.

Why is this medication prescribed?

Clomiphene is used to induce ovulation (egg production) in women who do not produce ova (eggs) but wish to become pregnant (infertility). Clomiphene is in a class of medications called ovulatory stimulants. It works similarly to estrogen, a female hormone that causes eggs to develop in the ovaries and be released.
Now I had been previously checked out by a fertility specialist and I was not having any problems producing eggs as you may recall she referred to my ovaries as a chocolate chip cookie. My problem was however with the lovely endometriosis nothing was on a regular cycle so the clomid was supposed to get the timing right so we knew when the right time was to try. I did have some pretty bad side effects from the medicine nausea, migraines and more than usual ovarian cysts that liked to grow and then burst which as one would imagine is incredibly painful. Imagine having a little bomb go off in your abdomen and you have no warning what so ever. After a couple of months of being on it and having no success we decided it was time to take a break and for me to try to de-stress. (HA HA funniest thing I have heard in awhile) My doctor knows me well enough and was thoughtful enough to prescribe me Xanax. Now from what I have learned the normal does is .25mg my dose was 1mg luckily only as needed. Chris was startled when the doctor said the dosage he asked what are we trying to achieve with that high dosage her to relax or are we looking for this to have her sleep better. It was for nighttime to help me relax and sleep in the hopes I would feel better. (It is nice to be married to a paramedic who knows the medications and normal dosages) So we picked it up that same day and I took it that night, I kid you not I told Chris it felt like someone administered anesthesia with in minutes I was out and slept like 10 hours!!! Completely unheard of for me especially when the pain is bad or the fibromyalgia is acting up. 1 Goal achieved I now had a way to relax and get the restful sleep my body desperately needed.