Monday, July 25, 2011

Where to begin?

My cat eater- Rascal beware
My life has been turned upside down lately. Where to start first? I guess I will just go in the order that it happened. I went for a second opinion on what to do about the severe pelvic pain that I have all month long, normally with endometriosis it is really bad around the time of your period and ovulation. I went to see a doctor that is apart of Loyola's new pelvic pain center. After speaking with a nurse for 20 minutes and then her student for another 20 minutes the doctor came in and did a quarter of an exam (thrilled I cannot handle more than that without having to be scraped off the ceiling). She determined that on top of the endometriosis and ovarian cysts and then the fibromyalgia pain ladies get ready to cringe. . . My vaginal muscles are in a constant charlie horse spasm. Lovely I know so she wrote my vagina a script for lyrica and physical therapy that there is a 3 month wait to get into. I have been on the Lyrica and Cymbalta combined for about a month now I will say that it has helped some, I know longer have the daily feeling of needles being jammed in a very delicate area. Now this doctor is on the other extreme from Dr. number one she wants to put an IUD that lasts for 10 years inside of my cervix, due to Loyola (Trinity) being a catholic hospital she needs to get approval for any type of birth control first. (So here is where I will start jumping around) As one would imagine all of this can be quite stressful on any relationship. Chris & I have now been married for 3 years and can honestly say we never would have imagined our life to be where it is now. It has been very stressful me not being able to work, or get out of bed some days. The medical bills piling up on top of all of our other expenses. There have been many blow ups due to all of the stress and just the uneasiness of how (if) we can do this. I never expected to be in so much pain that I just don't know what to do to handle it. One day I decided enough was enough and started packing. I packed up all of my clothes, shoes, toiletries and moved back in with my parents. He packed up his things and has moved into his mothers basement along with his sister's 3 cats. There is no way we could go on paying $1,500 a month for the home we were renting. We could not just move into one home due to our dogs. Gunner is in Berwyn with me b/c he was an appetite that would include all 5 cats at his mom's house. My mother is not so thrilled with Gunner just because he is not like Honey-doo and runs and may have torn up the backyard a little (a lot). Bruiser on the other hand is more fearful of cats that anything so he is with Chris at his mom's house and is oh so happy to have his hiding space back (the bathtub). We have been trying to see each other as much as possible but that is hard with his promotion he works in Elgin 5-7 days a week. Like this week Mon-Fri he is in the office but Saturday and Sunday he will be in gilberts for the muddy buddy race. So if you are going and hurt yourself feel free to ask for Chris. I have taken over Ryan's old bedroom and thanks to Aunt Tracy & Uncle T have Patrick Kane staring at me all night long, thanks guys!! These past 2 weeks have been very rough that is how long this period has lasted so far again ladies feel free to cringe. Plus my sleep has been a little erratic leading to FMS flare ups which my parents do not quite seem to understand yet. The other day my dad was trying to tell me that I don't know what pain is, I could not hold my tongue I snapped back maybe you need to look up my conditions before you say that I do not know what pain is!!! I was reading an article about how to explain FMS to people and their analogy is the best I have heard so far. Think back to the last time you had a bad flu and how drained you felt and how every ounce of your body ached now add a sunburn on top of that to get the skin sensitivity. That is how I have felt for the past two weeks on top of the endometriosis pain and on top of a ruptured cyst. I am very lucky that Gunner has taken so well to Ryan because it has been a blessing that he follows him in and out and will listen to Ryan almost as well as he listens to me. It just gives me one less thing to worry about. Other than Ryan confusing him when he calls him duck or crocodile. I apologize for the rambles and the jumps all over, I am sure you teachers are having a field day with my grammar and lack of seperation. I just decided to free flow and keep typing what comes to mind sorry if it drives you crazy.